Saturday, September 14, 2024


Automatic Failover: Ensuring Disaster Recovery

 You're not the only one who doesn't understand the differences between disaster recovery and failover. It's common to use the words disaster recovery and failover interchangeably. To guarantee that your services are always available, both are essential. However, the two ideas have completely distinct purposes in the case of a system failure.

Understanding downtime is essential when discussing failover vs. disaster recovery. The period of time when a particular system or network is inaccessible is known as its downtime. Large-scale outages can negatively affect sales and client happiness, especially if your company offers services that demand high availability.

What is Automatic Failover?

Automatic failover refers to the seamless transition of workloads, services, or data from a primary system or server to a backup or secondary system when a failure is detected. The business can carry on as usual because this process is automated and doesn't need human participation, minimizing disruptions.

The goal of a high availability (HA) strategy, which includes failover solutions, is to guarantee that key applications are always accessible, even in the event of unforeseen issues. Many components, including servers, databases, network connections, and entire data centers, can be setup for failover methods.

Key Components of Automatic Failover

Primary and Secondary Systems: The failover system is made up of a primary system that handles workload management and a secondary, or backup, system that does nothing but waits for a primary system failure to occur.

Health Monitoring: The main server or system's condition is continuously observed by the system. The failover procedure is initiated in the event that any failure, disruption, or threshold breach is discovered.

Replication: Data replication makes sure that the secondary system has the latest version of the data. This reduces the possibility of data loss by enabling the backup system to take over smoothly.

Failover Trigger: A situation that starts the failover process, either by itself or through a sequence of events (such server outages, network outages, or software bugs).

Failback: A failback mechanism makes sure that the primary system continues to function normally once it has been restored, distributing the load from the secondary system.

The Importance of Automatic Failover in Disaster Recovery

Minimizing Downtime

For businesses, downtime is an expensive hassle. System outages can cause missed sales, unhappy clients, and even legal repercussions whether you manage a healthcare facility, banking institution, or e-commerce site. By rapidly switching operations to the backup system—often in a matter of seconds or minutes—automatic failover reduces this risk and ensures continuity.

For example, in the banking sector, even a brief outage can impact millions of transactions, reducing confidence and creating problems with compliance. Systems are kept up and running with automatic failover, which minimizes downtime.

Data Protection

One of an organization's most important resources is data. Real-time data replication between primary and backup systems is a common feature of failover systems. The backup system can access the most current data in the event of a failure, preventing information loss. This is especially crucial for sectors like healthcare and finance that have strict data governance laws.

Economy of Cost

Disaster recovery in the past required manual procedures, backup devices, and a lot of human interaction, all of which raised operating expenses. Businesses can save these costs with automatic failover by utilizing software-driven solutions that do not require continuous supervision. Systems for automatic failover are more effective, use less resources, and provide scalable solutions for companies of all sizes.

Enhanced Customer Trust

Consumers anticipate that services will be offered 24/7. They anticipate quick fixes when there are disruptions. By ensuring that your company can live up to these expectations, an automatic failover solution increases client satisfaction and trust. For example, automatic failover is necessary to meet service-level agreements (SLAs) in industries where customers depend on uptime assurances, such as cloud services and telecoms.

Business Continuity in Crisis

Primary systems can become crippled by cyberattacks, natural disasters, or extensive power outages. These circumstances could result in unavailability lasting days or even weeks if automatic failover isn't implemented. Even in the event of significant disasters, business continuity is ensured via an automatic failover mechanism, which ensures that other systems—often located in geographically distinct locations—can take over.

How does Automatic Failover work?

Database Failover

Because organizations manage huge amounts of data, high availability is important for database systems. Database failover makes sure that a secondary database can take over right away in the event that the first database fails. These databases could be dispersed among several geographical areas or housed in the same data center.

Active-passive failover: While the secondary database is on standby and prepared to take over in the event of a failure, the primary database is actively processing queries.

Active-active failover: In the event that one of the primary or secondary systems fails, the other smoothly and uninterruptedly takes over and processes traffic.

Server Failover

Web applications and cloud services are kept available through the use of server failover methods. Load balancers are essential in this situation because they split up incoming traffic among several servers. The load balancer prevents disruption by rerouting traffic to another server in the event of a server failure.

Failover in cloud-based architectures is frequently automated with infrastructure-as-code solutions such as Microsoft Azure's Site Recovery service or AWS CloudFormation, where a backup environment is ready to go live immediately in the event of an outage.

Network Failover

Disaster scenarios frequently involve network disruptions, whether as a result of DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) assaults, ISP problems, or router difficulties. Businesses employ redundant network connections or several ISPs for network failover. Traffic is automatically redirected through another network in the event that one link in the network fails, guaranteeing continuous access.

Best Practices for Implementing Automatic Failover

Frequent Examination

To make sure the failover system operates correctly when needed, testing is essential. To ensure that the backup system operates as anticipated, it is necessary to replicate various failure scenarios, such as server outages or database breakdowns.

Data Replication Policies

To avoid data loss, make sure that the primary and secondary systems are replicating data in real-time. To keep everything in synchronization without taxing the system's capacity, use incremental backups.

Monitoring and Alerts

Use effective monitoring methods to identify possible issues before they become serious. When a failover happens, administrators can be alerted automatically, enabling quick action and inquiry.

Geographic Distribution

It is best to locate primary and secondary systems in geographically distinct data centers or cloud regions to maximize protection against large-scale disasters. This makes sure that a local problem—like a hurricane or earthquake—doesn't impact both systems at the same time.

Why choose Leasepacket

Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Solutions

Leasepacket offers a suite of advanced disaster recovery solutions tailored to the needs of businesses in various industries. From real-time data replication to geographically distributed backup systems, Leasepacket ensures that your business remains operational, no matter what happens.

Expert Support

Leasepacket provides 24/7 expert support, meaning that you will always have an experienced team ready to assist in the event of a failure. Whether it’s monitoring failover processes or ensuring the failback system is restored correctly, Leasepacket’s team is dedicated to minimizing disruptions.

High Availability Infrastructure

Leasepacket’s infrastructure is designed for high availability, incorporating best-in-class hardware, software, and cloud-based services. With robust monitoring and health-check systems in place, the failover process is smooth and fast, reducing downtime to an absolute minimum.

Customized Solutions

Leasepacket understands that no two businesses are the same. That’s why they offer customized disaster recovery plans that are tailored to fit your unique requirements. Whether you’re looking for a cloud-based failover, database failover, or network redundancy, Leasepacket has you covered.


Automatic failover is an indispensable tool for disaster recovery, providing businesses with the ability to maintain high availability, protect data, and ensure uninterrupted operations in the face of unexpected failures. Considering how important technology is to corporate operations, investing in an automatic failover system can ease mind and guard against disastrous downtime.

Companies may make sure they are robust in the face of difficulty by combining data replication, real-time monitoring, and planned failover procedures. This is the ideal moment to add automated failover to your plan for disaster recovery.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


How to Fix DKIM Failure, if DKIM Fails?

DKIM secures your domain emails and ensures only emails that are legitimate and haven't been tampered with can pass through. DKIM is short for DomainKeys Identified Mail. It also provides a way to verify that an email that comes from the claimed sender hasn't been altered in transit. However, sometimes DKIM can also fail, and when that happens, emails from your server can be marked as suspicious or even blocked by other email servers. So, how to fix DKIM failure is a big question that we will answer today. Knowing the resolutions will help you maintain the trust & deliverability of your emails.

What is DKIM?

DKIM is an email authentication method that allows the recipient’s server to verify that an email was indeed sent and authorized by the domain owner. It works by using a digital signature associated with the email's domain name. This signature is embedded in the email header and is verified by the recipient’s server using a public key published in the sender’s DNS (Domain Name System) records. If the signature is valid, the email passes DKIM authentication. If not, it fails, which may result in the email being marked as spam or rejected altogether. Are you getting it?

Why DKIM Fails? | DKIM Failure Common Reasons

Before jumping into how to fix DKIM failures, it's important to know the reasons why DKIM may fail in the first place:

Misconfigured DKIM Records

The most common reason for DKIM failure is a misconfiguration in the DNS records. If the public key in the DNS is incorrect or missing, the recipient’s server won’t be able to verify the signature. So, remember these!

Improper Signing of Emails

DKIM failures can also occur if the emails aren't properly signed by the mail server. This might happen if DKIM signing hasn't been enabled or if it's not working as expected.

Changes to the Email Body or Headers

DKIM works by verifying the integrity of the email’s content. If the email body or headers are altered during transit, DKIM will fail because the signature no longer matches the content.

DNS Propagation Delays

After setting up or updating DKIM records, it can take some time for DNS changes to propagate across the internet. If the recipient's server tries to verify the signature before the new DKIM records have been fully propagated, the verification will fail. Meaning, wait a while once you have done some updates.

Issues with Forwarding Services

Some email forwarding services modify the headers of an email, causing DKIM to fail when it reaches the recipient. This is because even small changes to the email can invalidate the DKIM signature.

How to Fix DKIM Failure?

Now that we know some common reasons why DKIM might fail, let’s look at how to fix it when it happens.

Verify Your DKIM DNS Record

The first step in fixing DKIM failure is to check that the DKIM DNS record is properly configured. Just follow these steps and you will be there:

  • Log into your DNS management tool (this is usually your domain registrar or hosting provider).

  • Look for the DKIM record under your domain’s DNS settings. The record should start with something like v=DKIM1; k=rsa;.

  • Be sure that the public key in the DNS record matches the private key being used to sign the emails.

  • Use online tools like DKIM Record Checker to verify that the DKIM record is correctly published and functioning.

  • If the DNS record is incorrect or missing, you will need to update it with the correct information from your email service provider or hosting platform.

Enable DKIM Signing in Your Mail Server

If your DKIM record is set up correctly, but emails are still failing, the issue may be that your mail server isn’t properly signing the emails. You will need to make sure that DKIM signing is enabled for your outgoing emails.

  • Check your email service provider or mail server settings to ensure DKIM is enabled.

  • If you manage your own mail server, consult the documentation for your mail server software (such as Postfix, Exim, or Microsoft Exchange) to ensure DKIM signing is properly configured.

  • Test the configuration by sending an email to a DKIM test service, which will analyze the headers and let you know if the email is correctly signed.

Avoid Modifying Email Content or Headers

To avoid DKIM failures caused by changes to the email body or headers, follow these best practices:

Don’t modify emails after signing

Once an email has been signed by DKIM, avoid making any changes to its body or headers, as this will invalidate the signature.

Keep consistent email content

Make sure your mail server or any intermediary services (like email marketing tools) aren't altering the email in ways that could cause DKIM to fail.

Check email forwarding

Be aware that some forwarding services might modify your emails. If this happens, DKIM might fail, but you can minimize the risk by using services that preserve DKIM signatures.

Wait for DNS Propagation

If you have recently made changes to your DKIM record, it may take some time for the new record to propagate across the internet. Depending on the TTL (Time to Live) settings in your DNS, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to 48 hours for changes to be visible to all email servers.

During this time, you may experience DKIM failures. Unfortunately, the only fix for this is patience - just wait for the new records to propagate fully. You can use DNS propagation checkers to see if your changes have taken effect.

Consider Using DMARC for Additional Protection

DKIM is part of a broader email authentication framework. To further protect your domain’s emails, consider implementing DMARC. DMARC uses both DKIM and SPF to ensure that your emails are authenticated properly.

DMARC policies can help you understand when and why DKIM failures occur, as they provide detailed reports about authentication results. With this data, you can fine-tune your DKIM settings and improve the overall security of your emails.


Fixing DKIM failures is essential for ensuring that your emails are delivered properly and maintaining your domain reputation. Most issues stem from misconfigurations in DNS records or improper signing of emails, but they can usually be resolved with a few simple checks and adjustments. Be sure that your DKIM settings are correct and follow best practices. These things reduce the likelihood of DKIM failures and keep your emails safe from tampering or spoofing.

And if you still need help with DKIM failures - connect with Leasepacket!

Monday, September 9, 2024


Why Choose LeasePacket for Your Ecommerce Server

Running an ecommerce business requires reliable, fast, and secure servers to ensure smooth operations. Every second of downtime can lead to missed sales, lost customers, and reduced trust. This is where choosing the right server provider becomes critical. LeasePacket is one of the best options for ecommerce businesses, offering robust server solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of online stores.

In this blog, we will explore why LeasePacket stands out as the ideal ecommerce server provider.

Lease Packet: What makes it the best Ecommerce server provider

1. High Uptime and Reliability

One of the biggest concerns for any ecommerce business is ensuring that the website remains up and running 24/7. LeasePacket guarantees high uptime, meaning your store will be online and accessible to customers at all times. They achieve this through:

  • State-of-the-art data centers: LeasePacket’s servers are hosted in world-class data centers with advanced hardware and security protocols.

  • Redundant infrastructure: If one part of the system goes down, another takes over, ensuring no disruption in service.

This level of reliability helps prevent downtime, which can result in lost revenue and a poor shopping experience for customers.

2. Scalable Solutions for Growing Businesses

As your ecommerce business grows, so do your website traffic and resource needs. LeasePacket provides scalable server solutions, meaning you can easily upgrade your server as your business expands. Their servers can handle increased traffic, larger databases, and more demanding applications without slowing down your website.

With LeasePacket, you don’t need to worry about outgrowing your server. They offer:

  • Flexible server plans: Start small and upgrade as needed.

  • Instant scaling: Add more resources like CPU, RAM, or storage quickly without downtime.

This flexibility ensures that your ecommerce website can handle high traffic during peak times like holiday sales or special promotions.

3. Enhanced Security for Safe Transactions

Ecommerce websites handle sensitive customer data, such as credit card information and personal details. Any security breach can lead to loss of trust and even legal issues. LeasePacket understands the importance of security and offers multiple layers of protection, including:

  • SSL certificates: Encrypts data transferred between your website and your customers to prevent hacking.

  • DDoS protection: Protects your site from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks that can overwhelm and crash your website.

  • Firewall and intrusion detection: Monitors and blocks unauthorized access attempts to your server.

With LeasePacket, you can be sure that your customers' data is safe, which helps build trust and credibility for your online store.

4. Fast Loading Times for a Better User Experience

Customers expect ecommerce websites to load quickly, and slow websites can lead to cart abandonment. LeasePacket servers are optimized for speed, providing:

  • SSD storage: Solid-state drives (SSDs) are faster than traditional hard drives, leading to quicker loading times for your ecommerce store.

  • Global data centers: With servers located across the globe, LeasePacket ensures that your website loads quickly for customers no matter where they are located.

Faster loading times result in better user experiences, higher search engine rankings, and improved sales conversions.

5. Customizable Server Options

Every ecommerce business is different, and LeasePacket recognizes that one size does not fit all. They offer fully customizable server solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you need more storage, better processing power, or specific security features, LeasePacket can create a server package just for you.

Key benefits of customizable options include:

  • Control over server settings: You can configure the server environment to run your ecommerce platform (like Magento, WooCommerce, or Shopify) optimally.

  • Dedicated resources: LeasePacket’s dedicated server plans ensure that your server resources are not shared with other users, providing maximum performance.

6. 24/7 Expert Support

Running an ecommerce store requires constant server monitoring and maintenance to ensure smooth operations. With LeasePacket, you’ll have access to 24/7 expert support from a team of server professionals who can assist you with any issues or questions.

Their support team can help with:

  • Technical troubleshooting: Quickly resolve any server-related issues.

  • Performance optimization: Ensure that your server is always running at peak performance.

  • Security patches and updates: Keep your server secure and up to date with the latest software patches.

Having access to round-the-clock support ensures that your ecommerce website is always running smoothly and any problems are addressed immediately.

7. Affordable Pricing with No Hidden Fees

LeasePacket offers transparent and competitive pricing, making it affordable for businesses of all sizes. You get what you pay for, with no hidden fees or surprise charges. Whether you are a startup or a well-established online store, LeasePacket has pricing plans that fit your budget.

They offer:

  • Flexible payment options: Choose from monthly, quarterly, or yearly plans based on what works best for your business.

  • No setup fees: Start your server without any additional charges.

  • Discounts for long-term contracts: Save more if you opt for extended plans.

This cost-effective pricing model helps you manage your expenses while ensuring high-quality server performance.

8. Backup and Disaster Recovery

Data loss can be catastrophic for ecommerce businesses. LeasePacket offers robust backup and disaster recovery solutions to protect your website’s data in case of unexpected events. You can schedule automatic backups and restore your data whenever needed, ensuring minimal downtime and data loss.

Their backup services include:

  • Regular backups: Automatically back up your ecommerce data to prevent loss.

  • Fast recovery: In case of a crash or failure, your website can be restored quickly.

  • Offsite storage: Data is stored securely in offsite locations for extra safety.

This ensures that your ecommerce store is always protected from data loss, server crashes, or other disasters.

9. Compliance with Industry Standards

Ecommerce businesses often need to comply with industry standards such as PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) to securely process payments. LeasePacket helps businesses meet these standards by providing secure servers that meet the necessary requirements.

LeasePacket offers:

  • PCI-DSS compliant servers: For secure credit card transactions.

  • GDPR compliance: Ensures your business adheres to data protection laws if you serve customers in Europe.

This compliance ensures that your ecommerce website remains legally protected and secure.


Choosing the right server provider is one of the most critical decisions you’ll make for your ecommerce business. With LeasePacket, you get a secure, scalable, and reliable server solution that ensures your online store runs smoothly, loads quickly, and keeps customer data safe.

From high uptime and enhanced security to fast loading times and expert support, LeasePacket has everything your ecommerce business needs to succeed. Whether you're just starting out or looking to upgrade your server, LeasePacket provides flexible options to grow alongside your business.

By choosing LeasePacket, you're investing in the future of your ecommerce store, ensuring it stays secure, fast, and capable of handling growth.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Choosing the Best Ecommerce Server Provider in Saudi Arabia

Having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business, especially for those in the ecommerce sector. Your website is the backbone of your online store, and the server that hosts it plays a vital role in ensuring that your ecommerce platform runs smoothly, securely, and efficiently. Choosing the right ecommerce server provider can be the difference between a successful online business and one that struggles with downtime, slow loading times, and security breaches.

If you're looking to expand your ecommerce business in Saudi Arabia, choosing the best ecommerce server provider is a big decision. In this blog, we'll guide you through the essential factors to consider when selecting an ecommerce server provider and explain why Lease Packet is the best choice in Saudi Arabia.

Why is the Right Ecommerce Server Important?

Here is why choosing the right server provider is so important for ecommerce businesses:

  1. Performance and Speed: Your server directly impacts your website's performance. A fast and responsive website is essential for providing a smooth shopping experience to your customers. Slow websites can lead to high bounce rates, abandoned carts, and lost sales.

  2. Security: Ecommerce websites handle sensitive customer information, such as payment details and personal data. A secure server is vital to protect this information from cyber threats and to build trust with your customers.

  3. Scalability: As your business grows, your server needs to scale with it. A good ecommerce server provider offers flexible plans that can accommodate your increasing traffic and data storage needs without compromising performance.

  4. Reliability and Uptime: Downtime can be disastrous for an ecommerce business. Every minute your website is down, you're potentially losing sales. A reliable server provider ensures high uptime so that your website remains accessible to customers at all times.

  5. Support: When issues arise, having access to reliable and prompt customer support can make all the difference. A good server provider offers 24/7 support to help you resolve any technical difficulties quickly.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Ecommerce Server Provider

When selecting an ecommerce server provider in Saudi Arabia, there are several key factors to consider:

1. Server Location

The physical location of your server affects your website's loading speed for users. Choosing a server provider with data centers in or near Saudi Arabia ensures faster loading times for your local customers. Lease Packet, for example, has strategically located data centers that provide optimal performance for businesses operating in Saudi Arabia.

2. Server Type

There are different types of servers to choose from, including shared servers, virtual private servers (VPS), and dedicated servers.

  • Shared Servers: These are the most affordable but are not ideal for ecommerce sites because resources are shared with other websites, leading to potential performance issues.

  • VPS: Offers a balance between cost and performance, providing dedicated resources within a shared environment.

  • Dedicated Servers: These provide the highest level of performance, security, and customization, making them ideal for large ecommerce businesses with high traffic.

Lease Packet offers a range of server types, including VPS and dedicated servers, ensuring that you can choose the one that best fits your business needs.

3. Security Features

Security is paramount for ecommerce sites. Look for a server provider that offers robust security features, including SSL certificates, firewalls, DDoS protection, and regular security updates. Lease Packet prioritizes security by offering advanced security measures to protect your ecommerce site from cyber threats.

4. Scalability

Your ecommerce business may start small, but as it grows, so will your server requirements. Choose a provider that offers scalable solutions that allow you to upgrade your resources as needed. Lease Packet provides flexible plans that can easily scale with your business, ensuring that your website can handle increased traffic without compromising performance.

5. Reliability and Uptime Guarantee

A reliable server provider should offer an uptime guarantee of at least 99.9%. This ensures that your website remains accessible to customers around the clock. Lease Packet prides itself on offering high reliability with an uptime guarantee, so you can be confident that your ecommerce site will always be online.

6. Customer Support

Technical issues can arise at any time, so it's crucial to choose a provider with responsive and knowledgeable customer support. Lease Packet offers 24/7 customer support with a team of experts who are ready to assist you whenever needed.

Why Choose Lease Packet as Your Ecommerce Server Provider in Saudi Arabia?

Lease Packet is a leading server provider with a strong presence in Saudi Arabia. Here’s why Lease Packet is the best choice for your ecommerce server needs:

  1. Strategically Located Data Centers: Lease Packet has data centers that are strategically located to ensure fast loading times and optimal performance for users in Saudi Arabia.

  2. Wide Range of Server Options: Whether you need a VPS for a small startup or a dedicated server for a large-scale ecommerce business, Lease Packet has the right solution for you. Their servers are equipped with the latest technology to ensure high performance and security.

  3. Advanced Security Measures: Lease Packet offers comprehensive security features, including SSL certificates, DDoS protection, and regular security updates, to keep your ecommerce site safe from cyber threats.

  4. Scalability: With Lease Packet, you can easily scale your server resources as your business grows. Their flexible plans allow you to upgrade your server without any hassle.

  5. High Reliability and Uptime: Lease Packet guarantees 99.9% uptime, ensuring that your website is always available to customers. Their reliable infrastructure ensures minimal downtime and quick recovery in case of any issues.

  6. 24/7 Expert Support: Lease Packet’s customer support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any technical issues. Their experts are dedicated to ensuring that your ecommerce site runs smoothly.


Choosing the right ecommerce server provider is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your online business. For businesses in Saudi Arabia, Lease Packet offers the perfect combination of performance, security, scalability, and support. With Lease Packet as your ecommerce server provider, you can focus on growing your business while leaving the technical details to the experts. Whether you're starting a new ecommerce site or looking to upgrade your current server, Lease Packet has the right solution to meet your needs.


Q1. Why is server location important when choosing an ecommerce server provider in Saudi Arabia?

Server location plays a crucial role in determining the speed at which your website loads for users. When the server is located closer to your target audience, in this case, within or near Saudi Arabia, it reduces latency and improves loading times. Faster websites enhance user experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and better sales. Lease Packet’s strategically located data centers ensure optimal performance for users in Saudi Arabia.

Q2. What types of servers does Lease Packet offer for ecommerce businesses?

Lease Packet offers a range of server types to cater to different business needs. These include Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and Dedicated Servers. VPS provides a balance between cost and performance, making it suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. Dedicated servers, on the other hand, offer maximum performance, security, and customization, ideal for large ecommerce businesses with high traffic.

Q3. How does Lease Packet ensure the security of my ecommerce website?

Lease Packet prioritizes the security of your ecommerce website by providing advanced security features such as SSL certificates, DDoS protection, firewalls, and regular security updates. These measures protect your site from cyber threats, ensuring that your customers' sensitive information is safe and secure.

Q4. Can I scale my server resources as my ecommerce business grows with Lease Packet?

Yes, Lease Packet offers scalable solutions that allow you to easily upgrade your server resources as your business grows. Their flexible plans are designed to accommodate increased traffic and data storage needs without compromising performance, ensuring that your ecommerce site can continue to operate efficiently as your customer base expands.
